Thunder Bay, March 24, 2022 – The Coopérative Centre francophone de Thunder Bay is proud to announce that it has received a $50,000 grant through the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s (OTF) Community Development Fund. The grant will help manage the facility or provide experiences for Ontarians by supporting staff and operating costs while providing safe cultural programming both virtually and face-to-face, as well as transportation services for marginalized people.
“I am pleased to see the Coopérative Centre francophone de Thunder Bay Inc. receive this funding to help services and programs for Francophones and small organizations thrive in our community. As we emerge from this pandemic, it is important to use technology to provide services in person and virtually. Thunder Bay and the region have a proud francophone community. I am thrilled to see them supported by this grant!” MPP Michael Gravelle, Thunder Bay-Superior North
The Ontario government’s “Community Development Fund” is investing $105 million to support community organizations in the arts and culture, heritage, tourism, sport,s and recreation sectors that are facing significant financial pressures as a result of the pandemic. These organizations promote community engagement, tourism, and recreation through various attractions, experiences, events, and activities. The Community Development Fund has two sources: Operating and Capital.
This grant will provide the Coopérative Centre francophone de Thunder Bay Inc. with a resource person to assist French-speaking people in Thunder Bay to develop activities in French. This project will help build community capacity for Francophones in Thunder Bay by providing support to individuals and small community organizations to develop activities and projects to engage the Francophone community.
We are grateful to the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) and the Government of Ontario for encouraging this financial support to sustain access to French language services in Ontario.
The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Government of Ontario and one of Canada’s largest granting foundations. Last year, almost $112 million was invested in 1,384 community projects and partnerships to build healthy, vibrant communities and strengthen the impact of Ontario’s not-for-profit sector. In 2020-2021, OTF supported Ontario’s economic recovery by helping not-for-profit organizations rebuild and recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Visit to learn more.
About the Coopérative Centre francophone de Thunder Bay
The Coopérative Centre francophone de Thunder Bay, incorporated in 2000, brings together seven Francophone organizations. It owns a building in Thunder Bay and facilitates access to French language services and programs and contributes to the development of social, cultural, educational, and socio-economic activities of its members and partners.
For more information:
Claudette Gleeson
Francophone Center