The grade 10 and 11 students of École secondaire Catholique de La Vérendrye, in conjunction with the Centre francophone, are pleased to be able to once again undertake the sale of tourtières and sugar pies. Proceeds will be divided between the ÉSCDLV for the educational trip to Europe and the new Francophone Centre on Van Norman Street.
The deadline to place your orders is November 16, 2015. The organizers ask you to pick up your fresh pies the day they are prepared. This year, you MUST NOT SEND money in advance.
Orders must be paid upon receipt at the ÉSC de la Vérendrye cafeteria at 175 High Street North
Saturday, November 28 between 10:30 am and 3:00 pm.
Due to the success of this project, it is not possible to store pies that are not picked up the same day. That is why it is important to respect the dates mentioned above. If you place an order and do not pick it up by 3:00 p.m. on November 28, your pies will be sold to others.
The Centre francophone is still looking for volunteers to make pies and tarts on the morning of the 28th.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Claudette Gleeson at 346-9368 (evening) or 343-4788 ext. 4301 (day).
Download the letter containing the order form

Photo credit : Simple cocks

Photo credit: The Traveling Munschkin